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UK Tax & NI Calculator 2012 - 2013

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2012 - 2013 Tax and NI calculator UK

Personal Allowance 2012 - 2013

What is Personal Allowance? Personal Allowance is the portion of your earning where tax is not applied, making that portion of your earning tax free.

Age Condition Personal Allowance (per year)
Under 65 If you are earning up to £100,000 £8105
If you are earning between £100,000 and £116,210 Decreases from £8105 by 50% of every pound you earn (above £100,000) until it reaches £0
If you are earning £116,210 or more £0
65 - 74 If you are earning up to £25,400 £10,500
If you are earning between £25,400 and £30,190 Decreases from £10,500 by 50% of every pound you earn (above £25,400) until it reaches £8105
If you are earning from £30,190 to £100,000 £8105
If you are earning between  £100,000 and £116,210 Decreases from £8105 by 50% of every pound you earn (above £100,000) until it reaches £0
If you are earning £116,210 or more £0
75 and over If you are earning up to £25,400 £10,660
If you are earning between £25,400 and £30,510 Decreases from £10,660 by 50% of every pound you earn (above £25,400) until it reaches £8105
If you are earning from £30,510 to £100,000 £8105
If you are earning between  £100,000 and £116,210 Decreases from £8105 by 50% of every pound you earn (above £100,000) until it reaches £0
If you are earning £116,210 or more £0
Blind person receive an additional amount of £2100 on top of the personal allowance

Tax Rates 2012 - 2013

These rates apply to different portions of your earning

Your earning [per year after taking away your Personal Allowance amount from your earning] Tax Rate 2013 - 2014 That is
Under your Personal Allowance amount No tax taken £0
£0 - £34,370 20% basic rate
£34,371 - £150,000 40% higher rate
over £150,000 50% additional rate

National Insurance Rates 2012/2013

National Insurance Contribution is payable by everyone, until they have reached the state retirement age. National Insurance pays for their state pension and other state benefits.

These rates apply to different portions of your earning

Your Earning [Per year] National Insurance Rate That is
Earnings up to £7592 0% No National Insurance contribution is payable
Earnings between £7592 and £42,484 12% Salary minus £7592 = X, 12% of X
Earnings £42,484 or more 2% £42484 minus £7592 = £34892, 12% of £34892 plus Salary minus £42484 = X, 2% of X

How is tax calculated?

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Privacy: This tool/website does not collect any salary information you enter to calculate your tax.

Disclaimer: I am not a tax professional, so please do not use this information to make any big decisions. Do consult a professional when making any big decisions.

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